Soul Hope in Uganda

Join us as we work together to bring HOPE, healthier lives, and freedom from
foot-related diseases, like jiggers, to vulnerable populations in Uganda.

Over the last 9 years, Sole Hope has experienced tremendous growth. Our operational model has continually improved as we have learned more and more about jiggers. These discoveries have shifted our primary focus from treatment and protection to today’s well-rounded, model:


Sole Hope’s team teaches people how jiggers infect them, how they can treat them, and
how they can prevent them.


A comprehensive evaluation, medical treatment, and 24/7 care are provided for severe cases through the Hope Center. Shoes are given to protect
and aid in prevention.


From humble beginnings Sole Hope’s national staff has grown to over 60 men and women filling a multitude of roles. All provide an income that in turn provides for staff’s families and others for whom they care.